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Recent landslides from Iași Metropolitan Area

The creation and analysis of landslide inventories is the basic approach for starting the landslide hazard to risk analysis chain analysis. In order to perform this kind of analysis for the Iași Municipality (North–eastern Romania) we created based on aerial imagery and LiDAR data a landslide inventory of the landslide events that happened in the last 100 years. In total, we identified and delineated 518 landslide events: 51.5% translational slides, 19.7% slumps (rotational slides), 17% flowslides and 11.8% flows.

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Landslide reactivation susceptibility modeling in Iași Municipality

Iași Municipality as other urban areas around the world has a long history of landslide activity which needs to be studied considering the urban sprawl. We performed a first landslide susceptibility modeling for Iași Municipality based on the AHP method using weights given by expert judgements regarding the influence of preparatory and conditional landslides factors (slope, ruggedness, lithology, historic landslide density and hydrogeology) and weights given by the historic landslide density over the factors.

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