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Natural hazards and their impact on rural settlements in NE Romania - A cartographical approach

Portrait de mihai.niculita

Natural hazards are the most significant threats in rural areas of Romania, while landslides, floods and bank river erosion are the geomorphological processes that impose the greatest risk in the Moldavian Plateau. We have identified 189 of disappeared, displaced and partially affected villages (in the area between Siret and Prut Rivers), using old cartographic materials as primary tool, and overlapping them with the present situation: ortophoto imagery and LiDAR derived high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). The main natural hazards that affected the settlements were landslides (63%), floods (26%) and river bank erosion processes (11%) and in 19% of the cases the settlement completely disappeared. We also present seven study cases, three for landslides, three for floods and one for river bank erosion in order to detail how these natural hazards impacted the physical environment of the settlements. In the Moldavian Plateau the mentioned natural hazards played an important role in the dynamics of the settlement network, with variations induced mainly by the socio-political characteristics and not necessarily by the frequency variation of the natural hazard events. Such studies are needed in order to depict the vulnerability and risk scenarios, especially for the back-analysis, but also considering that future climate changes might impose changes in hazard, vulnerability and risk associated to settlements.

Keywords: natural hazards; landslides; flood; bank erosion; rural settlements; abandoned settlements; Moldavian Plateau; old maps

Georgiana Vaculisteanu, Mihai Niculita, Mihai Ciprian Margarint (2019) Natural hazards and their impact on rural settlements in NE Romania – A cartographical approach. Open Geosciences, Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 765–782, eISSN 2391-5447, DOI:
